THE OFFICE OF HIS EMINENCE IN KARBALA, sponsors a number of Quranic and jurisprudential sessions.

THE OFFICE OF HIS EMINENCE IN KARBALA, sponsors a number of Quranic and jurisprudential sessions.


In the holy provice of Karbala, the Office of His Eminence (may Allah prolong his life) sponsored a number of summer courses for the education and training of students and students of academic schools from the people of the province.

Sheikh Kamal Al-Shuwaili said that these courses have a great impact on the development of the abilities of our students and students, so we try as much as possible and the available training and education to reach the largest number of them.

Sheikh Al-Shuwaili added that the Municipality has a strong effort to reach the implementation of the summer program in full, and we have completed it with ease and ease for this year, thanking Allah for that. 

"The importance of these courses is to help our students learn about many issues that are important to their daily lives in general.” Sheikh Al-Shuwaili mentioned.